Power generation and coal burning have gone hand-in-hand in the industrial world since Edison first switched on his light. The amount of BTU’s released from a simple lump of coal make it the industry standard. Pulverized coal aka “dirt” is one of the most common fuels for power generation. The pulverized coal is blown into the boiler through openings in the side of the furnace. Monitoring this process is essential in order to maximize heat generation.
Other issues may be detected through visual observations such as flame impingement. This is a circumstance where the boiler tubes actually come into contact with flames. This can result in boiler tube ruptures, a costly and time-consuming repair.
Bass Electronics CF cameras can also be used to inspect superheaters for slag build up. Slag is a mineral like deposit that forms on boiler tubes which inhibit heat transfer. For occasional slag inspection we recommend our portable unit. This way one unit can be used to inspect the super heaters of multiple boilers.
The CF line of Bass Electronics cameras will give you the in-sight needed to increase your power boiler’s efficiency.